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Fire Rescue Bureau to conduct fire safety knowledge training and fire drills within the enterprise

29 August, 2024 13:54:29

In order to further enhance the fire prevention and disaster prevention awareness of all employees, and strengthen ability to prevent fires, self- rescue, and emergency evacuation. Following the work policy of "prevention first, combination of prevention and control", HAIXING invited staff from Yongjia County Fire Rescue Bureau to conduct fire safety knowledge training and fire drills within the enterprise on July 12th.
At the training session, Shao Yongfeng from Yongjia County Fire Rescue Bureau, conducted publicity and education on how to carry out self-rescue and escape and prevent fires in the event of a fire. He also explained practical cases to enhance the safety awareness of all employees in fire self-rescue.

In the subsequent fire-fighting practice, Shao Yongfeng explained the use of fire extinguishers, guiding employees to put out a fire on site. The employees participating in the practice actively cooperated and strictly followed the deployment requirements of the "Fire-fighting Practice Plan" to complete the prescribed actions and practice in a rigorous and orderly manner

Through this activity and the promotion of fire safety knowledge, the fire safety awareness of all employees has been further strengthened, and emergency response capabilities have been enhanced, achieving the expected results. HAIXING reminds all employees once again that hot weather and high incidence of fires require special attention to fire, electricity, and gas safety.