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Wang Xiaoxiong, chairman of the county CPPCC, and his delega

01 March, 2024 11:16:00

On the morning of March 1, 2024, Wang Xiaoxiong, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Yongjia County, and his delegation visited our company and deeply understood the resumption of work and production in the New Year. Mr. Fu Wenlong, chairman of the group, warmly received.

Resuming work means stabilizing employment, and resuming production means stabilizing the economy. The resumption of work and production after the holiday is the most concerned thing of Chairman Wang Xiaoxiong. Chairman Fu Wenlong introduced: just after the Spring Festival holiday, employees have returned to temperature, Starfish Group in the Spring Festival within a week of the production capacity recovery rate of more than 95%, showing the orderly development of production, employees steadily return to work good situation, these are the necessary conditions to promote the New Year to achieve good results.
When visiting the product exhibition hall, Chairman Wang Xiaoxiong carefully looked at our company's core products such as searchlights and floodlights, understood the company's orders and R & D investment, and Chairman Fu Wenlong made a detailed report on the development of the company in recent years and the business objectives of the New Year. After hearing the report, Chairman Wang Xiaoxiong affirmed the rapid development of Starfish Group in recent years, believing that Starfish products have a wide coverage, strong core competitiveness, and the positive trend of enterprises is constantly strengthening.

Finally, Chairman Wang Xiaoxiong stressed that enterprises should base on reality, take high-quality development as the primary task, and further accelerate the expansion of the market. Encourage Starfish to seize development opportunities, integrate resources and strength, make persistent efforts in the New Year, and strive to create better performance.