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Yongjia County leaders visited the HAIXING Group

10 December, 2021 11:16:00

On the afternoon of December 10, 2021, Wu Chengqian, governor of Yongjia County, accompanied by Xie Liman, deputy director of Wuniu Street, visited Haixing Group to carry out a visit and research activity, and Huang Dawei, deputy general manager of Haixing Group, received him.
Under the leadership of deputy general manager Huang Dawei, Wu County Governor and his delegation visited the Starfish garage, laboratory and sample exhibition hall, and learned about our production and operation, product research and development in detail, affirmed our company and the development achievements in recent years, and encouraged our company to actively respond to the current form and challenges, constantly broaden the path of innovation and development, and effectively enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

On December 31, Yongjia County Executive deputy County Governor Huang Jinxi visited our company accompanied by Wuniu Street director Wang Xiaosen, and visited the sample exhibition hall and laboratory under the reception of Chairman Fu Wenlong, and conducted in-depth exchanges on the company's production and operation, product characteristics, technical level and other issues. Deputy county magistrate Huang expressed optimism about the development potential of our company in the future, hoping that our company can continue to become stronger and bigger, and build a benchmark enterprise!